“If a business had changed its leader every 18 months, changed the entire executive team, completely changed the strategic direction, how much do you reckon its shares would be worth. I just think, enough.”
Ms Westacott was speaking ahead of next week’s The Australian Financial Review Business Summit, which she hoped would double as an opportunity to draw a line under the political assaults on the business community.
“As we lead into an election, we have a race to the bottom on poor policy, poor process, ideas that are solutions looking for actual problems,” she said.
“Many of the things being proposed go to this anti-business agenda, people wanting heads on sticks.”
Wages is ‘clearly is a problem’
She said it was incumbent on the major parties to spell out a coherent plan to grow the economy and tackle the issue of wages “which clearly is a problem”.
“That’s the challenge in the election, that’s where people should be held accountable, who’s got the plan to get the economy growing faster, not muddling through, who’s got the plan to make the economy resilient, who’s got the plan to really lower people’s power prices,” she said.
“And who’s got the plan that Australia can hold its own in an increasingly volatile world.”
She first spoke out last week when the government, rather than suffer another defeat on the floor of the House of Representatives, accepted without consultation a Labor law making it easier for small businesses to sue big businesses.
Ms Westacott cited the government’s determination to take to the election its “big stick” laws which would enable, as last resort, the forced divestment of power companies engaged in anti-competitive behaviour.
“The divestment stuff. The divestment stuff is not a solution to getting people’s power bills down. The ACCC said it was an extreme measure. It takes a lot for a regulator to call something an extreme measure.
“Ian Harper called it extreme and unnecessary. It will just deter investment at a time when we need investment certainty or investment predictability at least so companies which are trying to upgrade their existing power facilities, companies which are thinking about investing in new types of energy, have an environment in which they understand.”
‘Are we seriously going to retrospectively revisit cases’
While this reflects Labor’s criticism of the Coalition’s inability to agree on energy policy, Ms Westacott also attacked Labor for promising measures against the banks when went beyond the recommendations of the Hayne royal commission.
These include a new levy to fund more financial counsellors, and a vastly expanded compensation scheme allowing previously unsuccessful claims for compensation to be tested again under the new system.
“Then you’ve got the Labor Party banking stuff. Are we seriously going to retrospectively revisit cases that were settled by existing legal processes when the royal commission said that was not warranted and not necessary?”
Labor has adopted the slogan of “Tougher, Fairer, Faster” for its response to the royal commission. It is accusing the Coalition of being soft on the banks for its slower response.
By contrast, the Coalition is citing Labor’s opposition to the big stick legislation as protecting the big energy companies which, Energy Minister Angus Taylor has attacked for making healthy profits.
Ms Westacott warned the cumulative consequence of such assaults on business was “a recipe for sleepwalking your way into trouble”.
“These things have flow-on effects into the economy and none of them are any good.
“If you start doing things that deter investment, that creates a level of risk and regulation…then the flow through of that will be very severe.
“That will be trickle down economics when we see the flow through of companies lessening and lessening what they are doing.”
Consequences of depressed business investment included lower employment and ongoing flat wages growth.
“It’s very easy to blame big business, and we have some self-inflicted wounds that make it easier, but for goodness sake, we can’t go down the road of doing stuff with the optics of ‘let’s bash up business’ that are actually going to create circumstances that weaken the economy, that weakens our capacity to create jobs, which weakens productivity.”
Business, she said, was not an abstract group of people sitting in some room, “it’s 11 million workers, six million mums and dads shareholders, customers, suppliers that’s what make up a business.”
Mr Westacott said business “has got some things to answer for but let’s not forget they have created hundreds of thousands of jobs, they’re putting food on the table of families across Australia, they’re paying people’s bills, they’re paying the taxes that are allowing governments to provide the services people need, they’re innovating to give people better services.”
from Trendy Newses https://ift.tt/2NvB2qv