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Investigating Trump in a post-Mueller world

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation is done, but it has left us with more questions than answers. Mueller did not find conclusive evidence that US President Donald Trump colluded with the Russian government to undermine the 2016 election. But that’s not the end of the story.

The Take partners with Al Jazeera’s investigative unit to discuss the history of a deal that never was – the Trump Tower Moscow – and why this isn’t the end for investigations into the president’s financial history.

For more:

After Mueller, what House panels are investigating Trump?

Oligarch ‘made threat’ after Trump inauguration

Oligarch named in Al Jazeera investigation faces questioning

Oligarch, friend of Trump: Who is Pavel Fuchs?

The Team:

Amy Walter produced this episode with Ney Alvarez, Jasmin Bauomy, Dina Kesbeh, Alexandra Locke, Priyanka Tilve, Imtiaz Tyab and Morgan Waters. Natalia Aldana is the social media producer. Graelyn Brashear is the show’s lead producer.

Special thanks to Patty Culhane and Will Jordan.


New episodes of the show come out every Friday. Subscribe to The Take on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, or wherever you listen.

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