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Khloe Kardashian Is Considering Undergoing This Surgical Procedure In The Future

Khloe Kardashian has revealed that she wouldn’t rule out undergoing a boob job after claiming that her breasts haven’t quite been the same since giving birth to daughter True last year. 

The Keeping Up With The Kardashians star attended Diana Ross’s 75th birthday party last night in a particularly low-cut dress and took to Instagram to tell fans that she owed her impressive cleavage to a well-structured bra.

“You guys, bras like this make me want to get my boobs done because this cleavage. It’s iconic. But when I take the bra off. Sorry guys, there’s really nothing there after the baby. But we can fake it till we make it, honey,” she joked.

The 34-year-old previously told Cosmopolitan that she’s very much in favour of cosmetic surgery; providing people are making the change for themselves and not for a demanding partner.


“I think plastic surgery should be viewed almost like makeup, because we’re all putting on a f**king mask basically every day anyway,” she explained. 
“When you dye your hair, you’re changing who you are, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. I think people should get plastic surgery or fillers or lasers or whatever if they want it—that should be your own personal decision.”


Koko recently admitted she was also considering undergoing a nose job and said that she thinks about booking herself in for the procedure “every day” but is currently too scared to actually take the plunge.


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