To give you a perspective, and a special perspective, on how the Chinese are thinking let me divide that issue in terms of the short term and the long term horizon.
First of all, it’s very important to recognise, it is very important to understand President Xi’s mentality. The most important thing for him is how to avoid subversive forces from taking over that can knock China off its path to prosperity. The subversive forces include domestic issues that include stabilising the domestic economy, it includes stabilising the political system. And definitely includes avoiding social instability. A lot of what we’re seeing in terms of social tightening – and this has received a lot of criticism from the West – is that President Xi believes and the general and central authorities believe that China is in the process of a transition.
And if not managed well, there might well be unstable or even dangerous elements that will lead to social instability, and hence the tightening.
Avoiding subversive elements also includes avoiding an outright collision with the US. This is very much on the top of the agenda. President Xi has a dilemma because on the one hand he needs to respond to the people, the citizens. Now even though we are not a democracy in the conventional sense that we go to the ballot and vote, there is a lot of kind of checks and balances going on between people to the government, within the government so they have to listen to what the people are saying.
Unfortunately, what is happening between US and China is stoking up nationalism probably everywhere, but definitely in China.
From the perspective of President Xi, how do you respond to its people who believe that we should not appear to be weak in front of these truculent American policies and demands and avoid a general collision with the US. Avoid rising tensions because that is not what China wants. So it’s important to recognise that avoiding the subversive elements is priority rather than going head on head with the US.
So what does that mean for the current trade war? It is only a manifestation, a symptom of some of the more intractable issues between the US and China but it’s certainly one of the most important things the world is observing right now.
I believe that it’s in China’s interest to make some certain trade concessions and actually bit of it. For a few reasons. First of all, as I mentioned, President Xi doesn’t want to have a real collision with the US, at least not for now. China needs to buy more time to strengthen its economy and become more powerful until it engages with the US head on. So it needs more time.
Much of what the US is demanding is not inconsistent with Chinese long-term goals. As it transitions to an innovation, efficiency-based economy away from this manufacturing powerhouse model, it will need to have very strong intellectual property protection and reduce transfers of technology from one company to company and less theft and that is consistent with China’s long-term goals. Increasing consumption, increasing the variety of things that Chinese people can buy will help stimulate consumption and help financial liberalisation as well. These things are not inconsistent with China’s goals.
Third is, of the 140 or something items that the US is demanding of China. I’d say it’s probably fair to say that 40 per cent China will concede to, 40 per cent is up for negotiation, and 20 per cent is a no go. And that would include things like technology, like SEOs and industrial policies which actually, quite frankly, many more countries these days are adopting, Germany included.
The Chinese want to talk, that’s one thing I want to mention. And you can change their views.
Of the 12 countries it has had territorial disputes in the past, with exception right now of tensions with India, every single one of them has been negotiated through talking, not by military force. It took a lot of years for China to negotiate and come up with a settlement plan with Russia. It is up for talking. Not only with respect to South China Sea but it’s also the same for trade.
So 40 per cent of those items will be up for negotiation, but it is actually in the interest of China to make certain kinds of concessions in this round of trade talks? Who knows what’s going to happen. Who knows what’s going to change from the American side. But that is the Chinese perspective.
Some might be thinking that the trade war with the US is causing a significant headache for China, I want to argue the opposite. I want to see that it’s actually a strategic gift for China. Trade wars are a strategic gift and Donald Trump is a strategic gift as well for China.
China has been struggling to undertake and push through some of its reforms. The grandiose and very comprehensive reform plan that has been laid out a few years ago after President Xi took power. There has been significant delay. And what is very interesting about China’s growth experience is that the reforms lead to every wave of fast and sustained growth.
The agricultural reforms of the 1980s, and privatisation reforms 1990, joining the WTO in the 2000s. Every single one of the big reforms stimulated growth and kept it up for a few period of time. So we were expecting that new wave of reforms under President Xi would have pushed China to a new kind of growth level. But it has been significantly delayed. Partly because there is a lot more vested interest and the vested interests are blocking the reforms because they have much to lose now compared to the 1980s when Deng Xiaoping was pushing reforms.
And also because anti-corruption campaign which has been quite successful and I would argue very important for the legitimacy of the party but also to appease the people. The anti-corruption campaign has disincentivised many of the people who are willing to do this. They just simply don’t want to stick their necks out to become visible. So when that happens, when these protracted delays in reforms happen, China often needs external pressure. This is exactly what happens when China joined the WTO. In 2001. These intractable problems with the state-owned enterprises, that the Premier was struggling with in the 1999s, many of them got quickly resolved because joining the WTO required reforms.
What’s happening today in terms of external pressure coming from the US is actually helping China to push through some of its reforms. Not that there are no challenges, but there is now the political will. There is now more political unity elements in the party.
And there is also the notion that there is no way out but to reform, there is no way out but to rely more on the domestic economy and less on the external economy.
Keyu Jin is professor of economics at the London School of Economics.
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