As Donald Trump continues to gloat over the outcome of the Mueller report, senior Democrats are formulating their response, with 2020 hopeful Elizabeth Warren the most vocal in calling for the president to be impeached: “If any other human being in this country had done what’s documented in the Mueller report, they would be arrested and put in jail.”
Speaking at a televised CNN town hall event in New Hampshire, fellow presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Julian Castro agreed the FBI special counsel’s report contained enough damning evidence of Trump’s behaviour in the Oval Office to merit impeachment proceedings.
Harris said Mueller had portrayed a president bent on stopping the probe into Russian meddling and that said Congress should “take the steps towards impeachment”.
In a letter to colleagues ahead of a party conference call to talk tactics, House speaker Nancy Pelosi – so far, more reserved on the matter – wrote: “While our views range from proceeding to investigate the findings of the Mueller report or proceeding directly to impeachment, we all firmly agree that we should proceed down a path of finding the truth.”
Among the other 2020 runners, Indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg said Trump “deserves” impeachment but the decision on how to proceed should be left up to the House and Senate while Bernie Sanders expressed his belief that further pursuit of the president could be counterproductive for Democrats.
“If for the next year and a half all the Congress is talking about is ‘Trump, Trump, Trump,’ and ‘Mueller, Mueller, Mueller’ and we’re not talking about the issues that concern ordinary Americans, I worry that works to Trump’s advantage,” the veteran Vermont senator said.
For his part, the president says he is not worried about impeachment. “Not even a little bit”.
Not even a little teenie-weenie bit?
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