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Brexit news – live: Theresa May’s hopes for breakthrough fade as Tory MPs demand she gives timetable for resignation

Another developing story today – US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is expected to warn Theresa May over plans to involve Chinese tech giant Huawei in the UK’s 5G telecoms network when he meets her at Downing Street.

Mr Pompeo is the first member of Donald Trump’s administration to speak face-to-face with the PM and foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt since last month’s National Security Council agreed to consider Huawai’s involvement.

Washington is urging allies against allowing Huawei to play part in sensitive infrastructure programmes, over fears it could allow China’s communist regime to spy on the West.

“We’ve made clear that if the risk exceeds the threshold for the United States, we simply won’t be able to share that information any longer,” Mr Pompeo said last month.

He is also expected to step up US pressure on the UK to isolate Iran in talks today.

He made a surprise visit to Iraq immediately before his trip to London, assuring Baghdad that the US opposes other states “interfering in their country” and stands ready “to ensure that Iraq is a sovereign, independent nation”.

Mr Trump last year unilaterally pulled the US out of an international nuclear deal with Iran, but the UK and other European powers have refused to follow his lead.

It comes as Iran warned it will resume uranium enrichment unless the remaining signatories to the 2015 nuclear deal – France, Britain, Germany, China and Russia – can show it is worth pursuing.

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