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Trump news – live: President jokes about serving five terms after losing legal bid to stop financial records being released

A US judge has ruled in favour of a House of Representatives committee seeking to obtain president Donald Trump’s financial records from his accounting firm.

Washington district iudge Amit Mehta, who heard oral arguments in the case last week, said the Oversight Committee had “shown that it is not engaged in a pure fishing expedition for the president’s financial records”.

“It is simply not fathomable that a constitution that grants congress the power to remove a resident for reasons including criminal behavior would deny congress the power to investigate him for unlawful conduct – past or present – even without formally opening an impeachment inquiry,” he said in Monday’s ruling.

The documents from accountants Mazars LLP might assist congress in passing laws and performing other core functions, he added.

The judge also denied a request by Trump to stay his decision pending an appeal.

Mehta said Mazars had seven days to comply with the subpoena.

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