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Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams Used to Make Out ‘All the Time’ When Filming Game of Thrones

Now that Game of Thrones is over, Sophie Turner has been revealing some behind-the-scenes secrets that we never knew – and they are wild.

During a press tour for her new movie Dark Phoenix, the actress has been getting asked for GoT gossip left, right and center, and she’s been dishing it out, no problem.

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It’s no secret that Sophie is real-life BFFs with co-star Maisie Williams, although many fans have been left totally shoook by her latest revelation about their friendship.

While filming the show, Sophie says the pair would try to kiss each other at random points to see if any of the cast or crew would react.

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Conan O’Brien asked the star “There were people who thought…you two were so close, they thought, Are you a couple?” to which Sophie told him the hilarious news.

“Oh, we fully knew about it, we played into it….So on the set, we would do the scene and then we would try to, you know, just try to kiss each other in the middle of the scene and see if anyone would react.”

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It doesn’t sound as if they ever got a reaction, however, as she said: “And it’s Game of Thrones, so incest is so normal that they were just like, ‘That’s fine.’”

“It was probably the most tame thing that happened on the show, actually.” Well, she might be on to something there.

At the end of the day, Sophie and Maisie are just like anybody else. As she says: “Sometimes you just wanna make out with your best friend.”

What a time to be alive.

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